Data Types

A pure key/value store is completely agnostic toward the data stored within it. Any key can be associated with values of any conceivable type, from short strings to large JSON objects to video files. Riak began as a pure key/value store, but over time it has become more and more aware of the data stored in it through features like secondary indexes and Search.

In version 2.0, Riak continued this evolution by introducing a series of eventually convergent Data Types. Riak Data Types are convergent replicated data types, also known as CRDTs, inspired above all by the work of Shapiro, Preguiça, Baquero, and Zawirski (paper). We would also recommend this reading list.

CRDTs vs. Other Riak Data

The central difference between Riak Data Types and typical key/value data stored in Riak is that Riak Data Types are operations based from the standpoint of Riak clients. Instead of the usual CRUD—Create, Read, Update, and Delete—operations performed on key/value pairs, Data Types enable you to perform operations, such as removing a register from a map, telling a counter to increment itself by 5, or enabling a flag that was previously disabled (more on each of these types below).

It’s important to note, however, that Riak Data Types are operations based only from the standpoint of connecting clients. Like the CRDTs on which they are based, the convergence logic is state based behind the scenes. In other words, Riak Data Types enable applications to use CRDTs through a simple interface, without being exposed to the complex state-based logic underneath. More on Data Types and state can be found in the section on implementation below.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Data Types

Conflict resolution in Riak can be difficult because it involves reasoning about concurrency, eventual consistency, siblings, and other issues that many other databases don’t require you to take into account.

One of the core purposes behind Data Types is to relieve developers using Riak of the burden of producing data convergence at the application level by absorbing a great deal of that complexity into Riak itself. Riak manages this complexity by building eventual consistency into the Data Types themselves instead of requiring clients to do so.

You can still build applications with Riak that treat it as a highly available key/value store, and you will always have this choice. What Riak Data Types provide is additional flexibility and a broader choice palette.

The trade-off that Data Types necessarily present is that they don’t allow you to produce your own convergence logic. If your use case demands that you be able to create your own deterministic merge functions, then Riak Data Types might not be a good fit.

Riak’s Five Data Types

There is a vast and ever-growing number of CRDTs. Riak currently implements five of them: flags, registers, counters, sets, and maps. Each will be described in turn in the sections below.


Flags behave much like Boolean values, except that instead of true or false flags bear the value enable or disable. Flags cannot be used on their own, i.e. a flag cannot be stored in a bucket/key by itself. Instead, flags can only be stored within maps.


Flags support only two operations: enable and disable. Flags can be added to or removed from a map, but those operations are performed on the map and not on the flag directly.


  • Whether a tweet has been retweeted
  • Whether a user has signed up for a specific pricing plan


Registers are essentially named binaries (like strings). Any binary value can act as the value of a register. Like flags, registers cannot be used on their own and must be embedded in Riak maps.


Registers are subject to only operation. They can only have the binaries stored within them changed. They can be added to and removed from maps, but those operations take place on the map in which the register is nested, and not on the register itself.


  • Storing the name Cassius in the register first_name in a map called user14325_info
  • Storing the title of a blog post in a map called 2010-03-01_blog_post


Counters are the one Riak Data Type that existed prior to version 2.0 (introduced in version 1.4.0). Their value can only be a positive or negative integer or zero. They are useful when a fairly accurate estimate of a quantity is needed, and not reliable if you require unique, ordered IDs (such as UUIDs), because uniqueness cannot be guaranteed.


Counters are subject to two operations, increment and decrement, whether they are used on their own or in a map.


  • The number of people following someone on Twitter
  • The number of “likes” on a Facebook post
  • The number of points scored by a player in a role-playing game


Sets are collections of unique binary values, such as strings. All of the values in a set are unique. For example, if you attempt to add the element shovel to a set that already contains shovel, the operation will be ignored by Riak. Sets can be used either on their own or embedded in a map.


They are subject to four basic operations: add an element, remove an element, add multiple elements, or remove multiple elements.


  • The UUIDs of a user’s friends in a social network application
  • The items in an e-commerce shopping cart


Maps are the richest of the Riak Data Types because within the fields of a map you can nest any of the five Data Types, including maps themselves (you can even embed maps within maps, and maps within those maps, and so on).


You can perform two types of operations on maps:

  1. Operations performed directly on the map itself, which includes adding fields to and removing fields from the map (e.g. adding a flag or removing a counter).
  2. Operations performed on the Data Types nested in the map, e.g. incrementing a counter in the map or setting a flag to enable. Those operations behave just like the operations specific to that Data Type.


Maps are best suited to complex, multi-faceted data. The following JSON-inspired pseudocode shows how a tweet might be structured as a map:

Map tweet {
    Counter: numberOfRetweets,
    Register: username,
    Register: tweetContent,
    Flag: favorited?,
    Map: userInfo

Riak Data Types Under the Hood

Conflicts between replicas are inevitable in a distributed system like Riak. If a map is stored in the key my_map, for example, it is always possible that the value of my_map will be different in nodes A and B. Without using Data Types, that conflict must be resolved using timestamps, vector clocks, dotted version vectors, or some other means. With Data Types, conflicts are resolved by Riak itself, using a subsystem called riak_dt.

Data Type Convergence

The beauty of Data Types is that Riak “knows” how to resolve value conflicts by applying Data Type-specific rules. In general, Riak does this by remembering the history of a value and broadcasting that history along with the current value in the form of a context object that is similar to a vector clock or `dotted version vectors. Riak uses the history of each Data Type to make deterministic judgments about which value should be deemed correct.


Imagine a set stored in the key fruits. On one node, the set fruits has two elements, apple and orange, while on another node the set has only one element, apple. What happens when the two nodes communicate and note the divergence?

In this case Riak would declare the set with two elements the winner. At that point, the node with the incorrect set would be told: “The set fruits should have elements apple and orange.”

In general, convergence involves the following stages:

  1. Check for divergence. If the Data Types have the same value, Riak does nothing. But if divergence is noted…
  2. Riak applies Data Type-specific merge rules, like in the fruits set example above, which will result in a “correct” value.
  3. After the merge logic is applied and the correct value is determined, the relevant vnodes are notified and act to correct the divergence.

Convergence Rules

Thus far, we have not yet specified which rules actually govern convergence, with the exception of the set example above. Convergence essentially means that Data Type conflicts are weighted in a certain direction. All five of Riak’s Data Types have their own internal weights that dictate what happens in case of conflict.

Data Type Convergence rule
Flags enable wins over disable
Registers The most chronologically recent value wins, based on timestamps
Counters Implemented as a PN-Counter (paper), so all increments and decrements by all actors are eventually applied. Every actor wins.
Sets If an element is concurrently added and removed, the add will win
Maps If a field is concurrently added or updated and removed, the add/update will win

In a production Riak cluster being hit by lots and lots of concurrent writes, value conflicts are inevitable, and Riak Data Types are not perfect, particularly in that they do not guarantee strong consistency and in that you cannot specify the rules yourself. But the rules that dictate the convergence logic behind the five Riak Data Types were carefully chosen to minimize the potential downsides associated with value conflicts.