PBC Delete Object

Delete an object in the specified bucket type/bucket/key location.


message RpbDelReq {
    required bytes bucket = 1;
    required bytes key = 2;
    optional uint32 rw = 3;
    optional bytes vclock = 4;
    optional uint32 r = 5;
    optional uint32 w = 6;
    optional uint32 pr = 7;
    optional uint32 pw = 8;
    optional uint32 dw = 9;
    optional uint32 timeout = 10;
    optional bool sloppy_quorum = 11;
    optional uint32 n_val = 12;
    optional bytes type = 13;

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
bucket The name of the bucket in which the object is stored
key The key under which the object is stored

Optional Parameters

Note on defaults and special values

All of the optional parameters below have default values determined on a per-bucket basis. Please refer to the documentation on setting bucket properties for more information.

Furthermore, you can assign an integer value to the w, dw, pr, and pw, provided that that integer value is less than or equal to N, or a special value denoting one (4294967295-1), quorum (4294967295-2), all (4294967295-3), or default (4294967295-4).

Parameter Description
rw How many replicas to delete before returning a successful response
r Read quorum, i.e. how many replicas need to agree when retrieving the object
w Write quorum, i.e. how many replicas to write to before returning a successful response
pr Primary read quorum, i.e. how many primary replicas need to be available when retrieving the object
pw Primary write quorum, i.e. how many primary nodes must be up when the write is attempted
dw Durable write quorum, i.e. how many replicas to commit to durable storage before returning a successful response
timeout The timeout duration, in milliseconds, after which Riak will return an error message
vclock Opaque vector clock provided by an earlier RpbGetResp message Used to prevent deleting of objects that have been modified since the last GET request (sent as a byte array)
sloppy_quorum If this parameter is set to true, the next available node in the ring will accept requests if any primary node is unavailable
n_val The number of nodes to which the delete request will be sent
type The bucket types associated with the object. If the bucket type is not specified, the default bucket type will be used, as is the case for all messages sent to Riak that have the bucket type as an optional parameter.


Only the message code is returned.



Hex      00 00 00 12 0D 0A 0A 6E 6F 74 61 62 75 63 6B 65
         74 12 01 6B 18 01
Erlang <<0,0,0,18,13,10,10,110,111,116,97,98,117,99,107,101,116,18,1,107,24,1>>

RpbDelReq protoc decode:
bucket: "notabucket"
key: "k"
rw: 1


Hex      00 00 00 01 0E
Erlang <<0,0,0,1,14>>

RpbDelResp - only message code defined