Custom Extractors

Solr, and by extension Riak Search, has default extractors for a wide variety of data types, including JSON, XML, and plaintext. Riak Search ships with the following extractors:

Content Type Erlang Module
application/json yz_json_extractor
application/xml yz_xml_extractor
text/plain yz_text_extractor
text/xml yz_xml_extractor
No specified type yz_noop_extractor

There are also built-in extractors for Riak Data Types.

If you’re working with a data format that does not have a default Solr extractor, you can create your own and register it with Riak Search. We’ll show you how to do so by way of example.

The Extractor Interface

Creating a custom extract involves creating an Erlang interface that implements two functions:

  • extract/1 — Takes the contents of the object and calls extract/2 with the same contents and an empty list
  • extract/2 — Takes the contents of the object and returns an Erlang proplist with a single field name and a single value associated with that name

The following extractor shows how a pure text extractor implements those two functions:


extract(Value) ->
    extract(Value, []).

extract(Value, Opts) ->
    FieldName = field_name(Opts),
    [{FieldName, Value}].

-spec field_name(proplist()) -> any().
field_name(Opts) ->
    proplists:get_value(field_name, Opts, text).

This extractor takes the contents of a Value and returns a proplist with a single field name (in this case text) and the single value. This function can be run in the Erlang shell. Let’s run it providing the text hello:

> c(search_test_extractor).
%% {ok, search_test_extractor}

> search_test_extractor:extract("hello").

%% Console output:
[{text, "hello"}]

Upon running this command, the value hello would be indexed in Solr under the fieldname text. If you wanted to find all objects with a text field that begins with Fourscore, you could use the Solr query text:Fourscore*, to give just one example.

An Example Custom Extractor

Let’s say that we’re storing HTTP header packet data in Riak. Here’s an example of such a packet:


We want to register the following information in Solr:

Field name Value Extracted value in this example
method The HTTP method GET
host The URL’s host
uri The URI, i.e. what comes after the host /

The example extractor below would provide the three desired fields/values. It relies on the decode_packet function from Erlang’s standard library.


extract(Value) ->
    extract(Value, []).

%% In this example, we can ignore the Opts variable from the example
%% above, hence the underscore:
extract(Value, _Opts) ->
         {absoluteURI, http, Host, undefined, Uri},
        _Rest} = erlang:decode_packet(http, Value, []),
    [{method, Method}, {host, list_to_binary(Host)}, {uri, list_to_binary(Uri)}].

This file will be stored in a yz_httpheader_extractor.erl file (as Erlang filenames must match the module name). Now that our extractor has been written, it must be compiled and registered in Riak before it can be used.

Registering Custom Extractors

In order to use a custom extractor, you must create a compiled .beam file out of your .erl extractor file and then tell Riak where that file is located. Let’s say that we have created a search_test_extractor.erl file in the directory /opt/beams. First, we need to compile that file:

erlc search_test_extractor.erl

To instruct Riak where to find the resulting search_test_extractor.beam file, we’ll need to add a line to an advanced.config file in the node’s /etc directory (more information can be found in our documentation on advanced). Here’s an example:

  %% Other configs
  {vm_args, [
    {"-pa /opt/beams", ""}
  %% Other configs

This will instruct the Erlang VM on which Riak runs to look for compiled .beam files in the proper directory. You should re-start the node at this point. Once the node has been re-started, you can use the node’s Erlang shell to register the yz_httpheader_extractor. First, attach to the shell:

riak attach

At this point, we need to choose a MIME type for our extractor. Let’s call it application/httpheader. Once you’re in the shell:

> yz_extractor:register("application/httpheader", yz_httpheader_extractor).

If successful, this command will return a list of currently registered extractors. It should look like this:


If the application/httpheader extractor is part of that list, then the extractor has been successfully registered.

Verifying Our Custom Extractor

Now that Riak Search knows how to decode and extract HTTP header packet data, let’s store some in Riak and then query it. We’ll put the example packet data from above in a google_packet.bin file. Then, we’ll PUT that binary to Riak’s /search/extract endpoint:

curl -XPUT $RIAK_HOST/search/extract \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/httpheader' \ # Note that we used our custom MIME type
     --data-binary @google_packet.bin

That should return the following JSON:

  "method": "GET",
  "host": "",
  "uri": "/"

We can also verify this in the Erlang shell (whether in a Riak node’s Erlang shell or otherwise):

yz_extractor:run(<<"GET HTTP/1.1\n">>, yz_httpheader_extractor).

%% Console output:

Indexing and Searching HTTP Header Packet Data

Now that Solr knows how to extract HTTP header packet data, we need to create a schema that extends the default schema. The following fields should be added to <fields> in the schema, which we’ll name http_header_schema and store in a http_header_schema.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<schema name="http_header_schema" version="1.5">
  <!-- other required fields here -->

  <field name="method" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false"/>
  <field name="host" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false"/>
  <field name="uri" type="string" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="false"/>

Now, we can store the schema:


File xml = new File("http_header_schema.xml");
String xmlString = FileUtils.readFileToString(xml);
YokozunaSchema schema = new YokozunaSchema("http_header_schema", xmlString);
StoreSchema storeSchemaOp = new StoreSchema.Builder(schema).build();
schema_xml ='http_header_schema.xml')
client.create_search_schema('http_header_schema', schema_xml)
$schema_string = file_get_contents('http_header_schema.xml');
(new \Riak\Riak\Command\Builder\StoreSchema($riak))
import io

schema_xml = open('http_header_schema.xml').read()
client.create_search_schema('http_header_schema', schema_xml)
curl -XPUT $RIAK_HOST/search/schema/http_header_schema \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' \
     --data-binary @http_header_schema.xml

Riak now has our schema stored and ready for use. Let’s create a search index called header_data that’s associated with our new schema:

YokozunaIndex headerDataIndex = new YokozunaIndex("header_data", "http_header_schema");
StoreSearchIndex storeIndex = new StoreSearchIndex.Builder(headerDataIndex)
client.create_search_index('header_data', 'http_header_schema')
(new \Riak\Riak\Command\Builder\StoreIndex($riak))
client.create_search_index('header_data', 'http_header_schema')
curl -XPUT $RIAK_HOST/search/index/header_data \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{"schema":"http_header_schema"}'

Now, we can create and activate a bucket type for all of the HTTP header data that we plan to store. Any bucket that bears this type will be associated with our header_data search index. We’ll call our bucket type http_data_store.

riak-admin bucket-type create http_data_store '{"props":{"search_index":"header_data"}}'
riak-admin bucket-type activate http_data_store

Let’s use the same google_packet.bin file that we used previously and store it in a bucket with the http_data_store bucket type, making sure to use our custom application/httpheader MIME type:

Location key = new Location(new Namespace("http_data_store", "packets"), "google");
File packetData = new File("google_packet.bin");
byte[] packetBinary = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray(packetData);

RiakObject packetObject = new RiakObject()

StoreValue storeOp = new StoreValue.Builder(packetObject)
packet_data ='google_packet.bin')
bucket = client.bucket_type('http_data_store').bucket('packets')
obj =, 'google')
obj.content_type = 'application/httpheader'
obj.raw_data = packetData
$object = new Object(file_get_contents("google_packet.bin"), ['Content-Type' => 'application/httpheader']);

(new \Riak\Riak\Command\Builder\StoreObject($riak))
  ->buildLocation('google', 'packets', 'http_data_store')
packet_data = open('google_packet.bin').read()
bucket = client.bucket_type('http_data_store').bucket('packets')
obj = RiakObject(client, bucket, 'google')
obj.content_type = 'application/httpheader' = packet_data
curl -XPUT $RIAK_HOST/types/http_data_store/buckets/packets/keys/google \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/httpheader' \
     --data-binary @google_packet.bin

Now that we have some header packet data stored, we can query our header_data index on whatever basis we’d like. First, let’s verify that we’ll get one result if we query for objects that have the HTTP method GET:

// Using the same method from above:
String query = "method:GET";

// Again using the same method from above:
int numberFound = results.numResults(); // 1
results ='http_header_schema', 'method:GET')
results['num_found'] # 1
$response = (\Riak\Riak\Command\Search\FetchObjects($riak))

results = client.fulltext_search('http_header_schema', 'method:GET')
results['num_found'] # 1
curl "$RIAK_HOST/search/query/header_data?wt=json&q=method:GET"

# This should return a fairly large JSON object with a "num_found" field
# The value of that field should be 1