
Downgrades of Riak are tested and supported for two feature release versions, with the general procedure being similar to that of a rolling upgrade.

End Of Life Warning

We test downgrading for two feature release versions. However, all versions below KV 2.0 are End Of Life (EOL) and unsupported. Please be aware of that if you choose to downgrade.

You should perform the following actions on each node:

  1. Stop Riak
  2. Back up Riak’s etc and data directories.
  3. Downgrade Riak
  4. Start Riak
  5. Verify Riak is running the downgraded version.
  6. Wait for the riak_kv service to start.

Depending on the versions involved in the downgrade, there are additional steps to be performed before, during, and after the upgrade on on each node. These steps are related to changes or new features that are not present in the downgraded version.

A Note About the Following Instructions

The below instructions describe the procedures required for a single feature release version downgrade. In a downgrade between two feature release versions, the steps for the in-between version must also be performed. For example, a downgrade from 1.4 to 1.2 requires that the downgrade steps for both 1.4 and 1.3 are performed.

General Guidelines

  • Riak Control should be disabled throughout the rolling downgrade process
  • Configuration Files must be replaced with those of the version being downgraded to
  • Active anti-entropy should be disabled if downgrading to a version below 1.3.

Before Stopping a Node

Object Format

If the new, more compact object format introduced in Riak 1.4 is in use, the objects will need to be downgraded on each node prior to starting the rolling downgrade. You can determine which object format is in use by checking the object_format parameter under the riak_kv section of the app.config. If not specified, this defaults to v0 which is the old format.

To downgrade the objects, run the below riak-admin command. This command must be run on each node.

riak-admin downgrade-objects <kill-handoffs> [<concurrency>]

The <kill-handoffs> parameter is required and is set to either true or false. If false, any ongoing handoff will be waited on before performing the reformat. Otherwise, all in-flight handoff, inbound to the node or outbound from it, will be killed. During and after the reformat the transfer-limit will be set to 0.

The optional <concurrency> argument must be an integer greater than zero. It determines how many partitions are reformatted on the node concurrently. By default the concurrency is two. Additionally, in anticipation that the entire cluster will be downgraded downgrade-objects sets the preferred format to v0. downgrade-objects can be run multiple times in the case of error or if the node crashes.

Secondary Indexes

If you are using Secondary Indexes and have reformatted them with the riak-admin reformat-indexes command introduced in 1.3, these indexes will need to be downgraded before the rolling downgrade begins.

This can be done using the –downgrade flag with riak-admin reformat-indexes More information on the riak-admin reformat-indexes command, and downgrading indexes can be found in the riak-admin documentation.

Before Starting a Node

If LevelDB is in use and you are downgrading from 1.3, a change made to the LevelDB folder structure will need to be reverted. Prior to 1.3, each partition directory inside /var/lib/riak/leveldb contained the full set of .sst files that make up the LevelDB for that partition. Since 1.3, the levels have been separated into folders titled sst_\* like below:

cd 1004782375664995756265033322492444576013453623296/
ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 riak riak        0 Jan  7 17:40 000014.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 riak riak       16 Jan  7 17:40 CURRENT
-rw-r--r-- 1 riak riak        0 Jan  7 13:59 LOCK
-rw-r--r-- 1 riak riak     1241 Jan  7 17:40 LOG
-rw-r--r-- 1 riak riak     1240 Jan  7 16:48 LOG.old
-rw-r--r-- 1 riak riak 20971520 Jan  7 17:40 MANIFEST-000013
drwxr-xr-x 2 riak riak     4096 Jan  7 14:25 sst_0
drwxr-xr-x 2 riak riak     4096 Jan  7 13:59 sst_1
drwxr-xr-x 2 riak riak     4096 Jan  7 13:59 sst_2
drwxr-xr-x 2 riak riak     4096 Jan  7 13:59 sst_3
drwxr-xr-x 2 riak riak     4096 Jan  7 13:59 sst_4
drwxr-xr-x 2 riak riak     4096 Jan  7 13:59 sst_5
drwxr-xr-x 2 riak riak     4096 Jan  7 13:59 sst_6

In a downgrade from 1.3, all .sst files in these folders will need to be moved from the sst_\* folders into the top level folder. A LevelDB repair will need to be run on each partition before starting the node. In the event a rolling downgrade needs to take place, the below escript, repair.erl can be used:


main([Dir]) ->
  Opts = [{max_open_files, 2000},
            {use_bloomfilter, true},
            {write_buffer_size, 45 * 1024 * 1024},

  {Time,_} = timer:tc(eleveldb,repair,[Dir, Opts]),
  io:format("Done took ~p seconds~n", [Time / 1000000]);

main(_) ->

usage() ->
  io:format("usage: repair PATH_TO_PARTITION \n"),

This script, saved as repair.erl, can be called with:

for partition in $(ls /var/lib/riak/leveldb); do sudo riak escript /tmp/repair.erl /var/lib/riak/leveldb/$partition; done

During the Rolling Downgrade

There is a known handoff issue that may occur when performing a rolling downgrade from 1.4. This is a result of the handoff data encoding cababilities not being negotiated correctly between nodes of mixed versions during a rolling downgrade.

If transfers are not progressing in the riak-admin transfers output, killing the Capability manager with the steps below on each node via riak attach may solve this issue if it occurs.

Check the currently used encoding (returns either encode_raw or encode_zlib):

riak_core_capability:get({riak_kv, handoff_data_encoding}).

Kill the capability manager:

exit(whereis(riak_core_capability), kill).

Check the encoding used after the capability manager restarts:

riak_core_capability:get({riak_kv, handoff_data_encoding}).

After the Rolling Downgrade

If Active Anti-Entropy was enabled, and the downgraded version is below 1.3, the anti-entropy directory on each node can be deleted after the rolling downgrade is complete.