Ruby Client API

You can develop applications and tools using Riak TS with the Riak Ruby client. This document covers the Ruby API for Riak TS.


Riak Ruby client versions 2.3.0+ have new objects in the Riak::TimeSeries module, including the necessary operations and data types to make sense of these operations.

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Ruby riak-ruby-client GitHub Pages RubyGems

Data Types

  • Scalar - Not strictly a class itself, contains the basic Ruby core/stdlib: String, Fixnum, Bignum, Float, and Time instances that represent a single cell in a time series collection.
  • Row - an Array subclass that holds a collection of scalars.
  • Collection - an Array subclass that holds a collection of rows.

Scalars in Ruby and Riak TS

  • Ruby’s nil round-trips to Riak TS’s NULL without issue so long as the Riak TS cell is nullable.
  • Ruby’s String and Riak TS’s varchar are interchanged without loss.
  • Float instances in Ruby on platforms with 64-bit doubles will interchange with Riak TS’s double without loss.
  • Ruby’s Fixnum turns into Riak TS’s sint64 and back without loss.
  • Low-magnitude Ruby Bignum instances that fit in a sint64 are interchanged without loss.
  • High-magnitude Ruby Bignum instances raise the error: Riak::TimeSeriesError::SerializeBigIntegerError.
  • Ruby BigDecimal numbers are converted to a Float and serialized as a Riak TS double, which will later de-serialize as a Ruby Float.
  • Ruby Complex numbers raise the error: Riak::TimeSeriesError::SerializeComplexNumberError.
  • Ruby Rational numbers raise the error: Riak::TimeSeriesError::SerializeRationalNumberError.


Riak TS supports five basic operations: single-key reads and deletes, key listing, SQL queries, and writes/submissions.

Single-key Reads

To load a single row with a given key use Riak::TimeSeries::Read:

read_operation = client, 'GeoCheckins'
read_operation.key = ['myfamily', 'myseries',]
results =!


The new class method takes two arguments: client (the Riak::Client to use) and table_name (a String of the name of the table).

Instance Accessors

  • key - (read/write) this is how you tell the Read object what key to find.
  • client - (read-only) the Riak::Client this Read will use.
  • table_name - (read-only) the String table name this Read will use.

Instance Method

  • read! - issues the read operation to Riak and returns a Row of data. If no data are found, returns nil.

Single-key Deletes

To delete a single row with a given key, use Riak::TimeSeries::Delete:

delete_operation = client, 'GeoCheckins'
delete_operation.key = ['myfamily', 'myseries',]


The new class method takes two arguments: client (the Riak::Client to use) and table_name (a String of the name of the table).

Instance Accessors

  • key- (read/write) this is how you tell the Deletion object what key to find and delete.
  • client - (read-only) the Riak::Client this Deletion will use.
  • table_name - (read-only) the String table name this Deletion will use.

Instance Method

  • delete! - issues the deletion to Riak.

Key Listing

To list keys in a table, use the Riak::TimeSeries::List class.

WARNING: Listing keys is a very expensive operation for a Riak TS cluster.

list_operation = client, 'GeoCheckins'
list_operation.issue! do |key|
  puts key

results = list_operation.issue!

List is only available via streaming API by invoking the issue! method. If the issue! method is called with a block, issue! will yield each key (which will be a Row object) to the provided block in the order that it receives them. When called without a block, issue! returns and stores the listing of all keys.


The new class method takes two arguments: client (the Riak::Client to use) and table_name (a String of the name of the table).

Instance Accessors

  • client - (read-only) the Riak::Client this List will use.
  • table_name - (read-only) the String table name this List will use.
  • timeout - how many milliseconds Riak should wait for listing.
  • results - either the Riak::TimeSeries::Collection of found keys or nil if the listing wasn’t retrieved for storage.

Instance Method

The issue! method that starts the key listing can work in two different ways.

Without a block, the streaming key listing will be buffered up into a Riak::TimeSeries::Collection. The Collection will also be available from the results accessor.

WARNING: on a table with many rows, the Collection can be extremely large and will cause extra memory load, garbage collections, and other issues.

With a block, each key from the listing will be yielded into your block as a Riak::TimeSeries::Row and not otherwise saved.

SQL Queries

SQL queries are sent with a Riak::TimeSeries::Query object:

query = client, sql


The new class method takes two arguments: client (the Riak::Client to use) and a String of query_text.

Instance Accessors

  • query_text - (read/write) the SQL query String.
  • client - (read-only) the Riak::Client this Query will use.
  • results - (read-only) the Riak::TimeSeries::Collection of results.

Instance Method

The issue! method issues the query to Riak and populates the results accessor with the results.


Data can be submitted to Riak TS with the Riak::TimeSeries::Submission class. Measurements are expected as an Array which represents a collection containing one or more Array instances representing rows that contain scalar values for cells.

submission = client, 'GeoCheckins'
submission.measurements = [
  ['myfamily', 'myseries', - 5, 1, 2, '3'],
  ['myfamily', 'myseries', - 4, 4, 5, '6']



The new class method takes two arguments: client (the Riak::Client to use) and a String of query_text.

Instance Accessors

  • client - (read-only) the Riak::Client this Write will use.
  • table_name - (read-only) the String table name this Write will use.
  • measurements - (read-write) the Array<Array<scalar>> of measurements. The inner Arrays of scalars are order-sensitive: data will be written in the order the cells are in the table’s DDL.

Instance Method

The write! method writes the data to Riak TS.