Spark-Riak Connector Add-on (Riak TS)
Spark Streaming TS Tables
This guide assumes you are using Mac OSX.
The Spark-Riak connector can be used with Spark Streaming. To demonstrate this usage, we will work through a small Scala example. The TS Streaming example is located in the examples folder of the Spark-Riak connector repo.
These examples require the use of Kafka. Please install Kafka and setup a Kafka broker prior to running this example. We will assume that there is a Kafka broker running at
with a topic called streaming
. Instructions on setting up Kafka topics can be found in this guide. You can create a broker and topic with the following:
path/to/kafka/bin/ config/
path/to/kafka/bin/ config/
path/to/kafka/bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic streaming
We also assume Riak TS is installed and there is a Riak TS node running at
. You can find instruction to do so here.
You will need to build the TS example as well. Please follow the instructions on building the examples.
Spark Streaming TS Table Example
Let’s now look at the TS table example (found here):
val schema = StructType(List(
StructField(name = "weather", dataType = StringType),
StructField(name = "family", dataType = StringType),
StructField(name = "time", dataType = TimestampType),
StructField(name = "temperature", dataType = DoubleType),
StructField(name = "humidity", dataType = DoubleType),
StructField(name = "pressure", dataType = DoubleType)))
val sparkConf = new SparkConf(true)
.setAppName("Simple Spark Streaming to Riak TS Demo")
setSparkOpt(sparkConf, "spark.master", "local")
setSparkOpt(sparkConf, "", "")
setSparkOpt(sparkConf, "", "")
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val streamCtx = new StreamingContext(sc, Durations.seconds(15))
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._
val kafkaProps = Map[String, String](
"" -> sparkConf.get(""),
"" -> UUID.randomUUID().toString
This first section of code just sets up the table schema, a Spark Streaming context, a Spark SQL context, and Kafka properties. Note that we need to set up a TS table that reflect the schema in the previous section of code. We can create this TS table with:
curl -v -XPUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' "http://$RIAK_HTTP/admin/explore/clusters/default/bucket_types/ts_weather_demo" -d '{"props":{"n_val":3, "table_def":"CREATE TABLE ts_weather_demo (weather varchar not null,family varchar not null,time timestamp not null,temperature  double,humidity double,pressure double,PRIMARY KEY ((weather, family, quantum(time, 1, 'h')), weather, family, time))"}}'
Be sure to substitute the Riak node’s IP address and HTTP port in for $RIAK_HTTP
The next section of the code is:
.createDirectStream[String, String, StringDecoder, StringDecoder](streamCtx, kafkaProps,
.foreachRDD { rdd =>
val rows =
.withColumn("time", 'time.cast("Timestamp"))
.select("weather", "family", "time", "temperature", "humidity", "pressure")
In this section of code, we are setting up a stream from Kafka topic streaming
into TS table ts_weather_demo
. Here we are using our Spark SQL context to read each RDD streamed from the Kafka topic and then write into the TS table.
Now that we have seen the code let’s run the example (see here if you need to build the example). You can run the StreamingTSExample.scala
example, after building, with:
/path/to/spark-riak-connector-examples/bin/run-example streaming.StreamingTSExample
Now that the stream is up and running, we need to actually send data to the Kafka topic. Let’s start the Kafka console producer. This will allow us to stream messages from the terminal into the Kafka streaming
/path/to/bin/ --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic streaming
Now paste the following message into the terminal:
{"time": "2016-01-01 08:30:00.000", "weather": "sunny", "temperature": 25.0, "humidity": 67.0, "pressure": 30.20, "family": "f"}
You can check that this worked by doing a simple SQL query for the example data.