Node.js Client API

You can develop applications and tools using Riak TS with the Riak Node.js client. This document covers the Node.js API for Riak TS.


To use Riak TS with Node.js, we’ve added several new commands in the Riak.Commands.TS namespace.

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The examples on this page will assume you are using the following table schema:

   region       VARCHAR   NOT NULL,
   state        VARCHAR   NOT NULL,
   time         TIMESTAMP NOT NULL,
   weather      VARCHAR NOT NULL,
   temperature  DOUBLE,
     (region, state, QUANTUM(time, 15, 'm')),
     region, state, time

TS Commands

Note: These commands are automatically retried if they fail due to network error.


  • Get - Fetch a single row based on the primary key values provided.
  • Store - Store 1 or more rows to a Riak TS table.
  • Delete - Delete a single row based on the primary key values provided.
  • Query - Allows you to query a Riak TS table with the given query string.
  • ListKeys - Lists the primary keys of all the rows in a Riak TS table.

Command Details


Retrieve TS value by key.

var Riak = require('basho-riak-client');

//may pass client an array of host:port's
var client = new Riak.Client(['']);

var key = [ 'South Carolina', 'South Carolina', now ];

var cb = function (err, rslt) {
    // NB: rslt will be an object with two properties:
    // 'columns' - table columns
    // 'rows' - row matching the Get request

var cmd = new Riak.Commands.TS.Get.Builder()

Builder Method Type Description
withTable string The TS table name
withKey array The TS value’s key

Return Type: response object with columns and rows properties.


Stores time series data in the Riak cluster.

var Riak = require('basho-riak-client');

//may pass client an array of host:port's
var client = new Riak.Client(['']);

var now = new Date();

var fiveMinsAgo = new Date(now);
fiveMinsAgo.setMinutes(now.getMinutes() - 5);

var tenMinsAgo = new Date(now);
tenMinsAgo.setMinutes(now.getMinutes() - 10);

var fifteenMinsAgo = new Date(now);
fifteenMinsAgo.setMinutes(now.getMinutes() - 15);

var twentyMinsAgo = new Date(now);
twentyMinsAgo.setMinutes(now.getMinutes() - 20);

var rows = [
    [ 'South Carolina', 'South Carolina', twentyMinsAgo, 'hurricane', 82.3 ],
    [ 'South Carolina', 'South Carolina', fifteenMinsAgo, 'rain', 79.0 ],
    [ 'South Carolina', 'South Carolina', fiveMinsAgo, 'wind', null ],
    [ 'South Carolina', 'South Carolina', now, 'snow', 20.1 ]

var cb = function (err, rslt) {
    // NB: rslt will be true when successful

var cmd = new Riak.Commands.TS.Store.Builder()

Builder Method Type Description
withTable string The TS table name
withRows array The time series data

Return Type: boolean


Delete TS value by key.

var Riak = require('basho-riak-client');

//may pass client an array of host:port's
var client = new Riak.Client(['']);

var key = [ 'South Carolina', 'South Carolina', now ];

var cb = function (err, rslt) {
    // NB: rslt will be an object with two properties:
    // 'columns' - table columns
    // 'rows' - row matching the Get request

var cmd = new Riak.Commands.TS.Delete.Builder()

Builder Method Type Description
withTable string The TS table name
withKey array The TS value’s key

Return Type: boolean


Queries time series data in the Riak cluster.

var Riak = require('basho-riak-client');

//may pass client an array of host:port's
var client = new Riak.Client(['']);

var cb = function (err, rslt) {
    // NB: rslt will be an object with two properties:
    // 'columns' - table columns
    // 'rows' - row matching the Query request

var query = "select * from TimeSeriesData \
    where time > 0 and time < 10 and \
    region = 'South Atlantic' and state = 'South Carolina'";

var cmd = new Riak.Commands.TS.Query.Builder()

Builder Method Type Description
withTable string The TS table name
withQuery string The TS query

Return Type: response object with columns and rows properties.


Lists all keys in a TS table via a stream.

var Riak = require('basho-riak-client');

//may pass client an array of host:port's
var client = new Riak.Client(['']);

var allKeys = [];
var callback = function(err, resp) {
    Array.prototype.push.apply(allKeys, resp.keys);
    if (resp.done) {
        // NB: at this point all keys have been received

var cmd = new Riak.Commands.TS.ListKeys.Builder()

Builder Method Type Description
withTable string The TS table name
withStreaming boolean true if you would like callback per-key chunk
withTimeout integer Timeout in milliseconds for the list keys command

Return Type: response object with keys property.