PBC Fetch Object

Fetch an object from the specified bucket type/bucket/key location (specified by bucket, type, and key, respectively). If the bucket type is not specified, the default bucket type will be used, as is the case for all messages sent to Riak that have the bucket type as an optional parameter.


message RpbGetReq {
    required bytes bucket = 1;
    required bytes key = 2;
    optional uint32 r = 3;
    optional uint32 pr = 4;
    optional bool basic_quorum = 5;
    optional bool notfound_ok = 6;
    optional bytes if_modified = 7;
    optional bool head = 8;
    optional bool deletedvclock = 9;
    optional uint32 timeout = 10;
    optional bool sloppy_quorum = 11;
    optional uint32 n_val = 12;
    optional bytes type = 13;

Optional Parameters

Note on defaults and special values

All of the optional parameters below have default values determined on a per-bucket basis. Please refer to the documentation on setting bucket properties for more information.

Furthermore, you can assign an integer value to the r and pr parameters, provided that that integer value is less than or equal to N, or a special value denoting one (4294967295-1), quorum (4294967295-2), all (4294967295-3), or default (4294967295-4).

Parameter Description
basic_quorum Whether to return early in some failure cases, e.g. when r=1 and you get 2 errors and a success basic_quorum=true would return an error
notfound_ok Whether to treat not found responses as successful reads for the purposes of R
if_modified When a vclock is supplied as this option, the response will only return the object if the vclocks don’t match
head If set to true, Riak will return the object with the value(s) set as empty, which allows you to get the metadata without a potentially large value accompanying it
deletedvclock If set to true, Riak will return the tombstone’s vclock, if applicable
timeout The timeout duration, in milliseconds, after which Riak will return an error message
sloppy_quorum If this parameter is set to true, the next available node in the ring will accept requests if any primary node is unavailable


message RpbGetResp {
    repeated RpbContent content = 1;
    optional bytes vclock = 2;
    optional bool unchanged = 3;


Value Description
content The value plus metadata entries for the object. If there are siblings, there will be more than one entry. If the key is not found, the content will be empty.
vclock The opaque vector clock that must be included in the RpbPutReq to resolve the siblings
unchanged If if_modified was specified in the GET request but the object has not been modified, this will be set to true

The content entries hold the object value and any metadata. Below is the structure of a RpbContent message, which is included in GET/PUT responses (RpbGetResp (above) and RpbPutResp, respectively):

message RpbContent {
    required bytes value = 1;
    optional bytes content_type = 2;
    optional bytes charset = 3;
    optional bytes content_encoding = 4;
    optional bytes vtag = 5;
    repeated RpbLink links = 6;
    optional uint32 last_mod = 7;
    optional uint32 last_mod_usecs = 8;
    repeated RpbPair usermeta = 9;
    repeated RpbPair indexes = 10;
    optional bool deleted = 11;

From the above, we can see that an RpbContent message will always contain the binary value of the object. But it could also contain any of the following optional parameters:

  • content_type — The content type of the object, e.g. text/plain or application/json
  • charset — The character encoding of the object, e.g. utf-8
  • content_encoding — The content encoding of the object, e.g. video/mp4
  • vtag — The object’s vtag
  • links — This parameter is associated with the now-deprecated link walking feature and should not be used by Riak clients
  • last_mod — A timestamp for when the object was last modified, in ISO 8601 time
  • last_mod_usecs — A timestamp for when the object was last modified, in Unix time
  • usermeta — This field stores user-specified key/value metadata pairs to be associated with the object. RpbPair messages used to send metadata of this sort are structured like this:

    message RpbPair {
        required bytes key = 1;
        optional bytes value = 2;

    Notice that both a key and value can be stored or just a key. RpbPair messages are also used to attach secondary indexes to objects (in the optional indexes field).

  • deleted — Whether the object has been deleted (i.e. whether a tombstone for the object has been found under the specified key)

Note on missing keys

Remember: if a key is not stored in Riak, an RpbGetResp response without the content and vclock fields will be returned. This should be mapped to whatever convention the client language uses to return not found. The Erlang client, for example, returns the atom {error, notfound}.



Hex      00 00 00 07 09 0A 01 62 12 01 6B
Erlang <<0,0,0,7,9,10,1,98,18,1,107>>

RpbGetReq protoc decode:
bucket: "b"
key: "k"


Hex      00 00 00 4A 0A 0A 26 0A 02 76 32 2A 16 33 53 44
         6C 66 34 49 4E 4B 7A 38 68 4E 64 68 79 49 6D 4B
         49 72 75 38 BB D7 A2 DE 04 40 E0 B9 06 12 1F 6B
         CE 61 60 60 60 CC 60 CA 05 52 2C AC C2 5B 3F 65
         30 25 32 E5 B1 32 EC 56 B7 3D CA 97 05 00
Erlang <<0,0,0,74,10,10,38,10,2,118,50,42,22,51,83,68,108,102,52,73,78,75,122,

RpbGetResp protoc decode:
content {
  value: "v2"
  vtag: "3SDlf4INKz8hNdhyImKIru"
  last_mod: 1271442363
  last_mod_usecs: 105696
vclock: "k316a```314`312005R,254302[?e0%23452612354V267=312227005000"