Client Security:

This tutorial shows you how to set up a Riak PHP client to authenticate itself when connecting to Riak.

If you are using trust- or PAM-based authentication, you can use the security setup described below. Certificate-based authentication is not yet supported in the PHP client due to limitations of the HTTP interface of Riak.

PHP Client Basics

When connecting to Riak using a PHP-based client, you typically do so by instantiating separate \Riak\Riak\Node objects for each node in your cluster and passing those \Riak\Riak\Node objects as an array to a \Riak\Riak object as a dependency. In this document, we will be working with only one node.

If you are using Riak security, all connecting clients should have access to the same Certificate Authority (CA) used on the server side, regardless of which security source you choose. All clients should also provide a username, regardless of security source. The example below sets up a single node object (we’ll simply call it node) that connects to Riak on localhost and on port 8087 and specifies riakuser as a username. That object will be used to create a Riak object. The setup below does not specify a CA and will throw an \Riak\Riak\Node\Builder\Exception:

use \Riak\Riak;
use \Riak\Riak\Node;

$node = (new Node\Builder())

// since we are using a single node, it needs to be wrapped in array brackets
$riak = new Riak([$node]);

This client object is not currently set up to use any of the available security sources. This will change in the sections below.

Password-based Authentication

To enable our client to use password-based auth, we can use most of the setup from the example above, with the exception that we will specify a password for the client in the usingPasswordAuthentication method in the node object’s builder rather than omitting it. We will also pass the path of the CA file relative to the current working directory into the withCertificateAuthorityFile method.

use \Riak\Riak;
use \Riak\Riak\Node;

$node = (new Node\Builder())
    ->usingPasswordAuthentication('riakuser', 'rosebud')
    ->withCertificateAuthorityFile(getcwd() . '/ssl_dir/cacertfile.pem')

// since we are using a single node, it needs to be wrapped in array brackets
$riak = new Riak([$node]);

PAM- and Trust-based Authentication

If you are using PAM- or trust-based authentication, the only difference from password-based authentication is that you do not need to specify a password. There are helper methods that handle this for you, usingPamAuthentication and usingTrustAuthentication.

use \Riak\Riak;
use \Riak\Riak\Node;

// PAM Example
$node = (new Node\Builder())
    ->withCertificateAuthorityFile(getcwd() . '/ssl_dir/cacertfile.pem')

// Trust Example
$node = (new Node\Builder())
    ->withCertificateAuthorityFile(getcwd() . '/ssl_dir/cacertfile.pem')

// since we are using a single node, it needs to be wrapped in array brackets
$riak = new Riak([$node]);

Certificate-based Authentication

Certificate-based authentication is not currently supported in the official Riak PHP client due to limitations in the HTTP interface.